Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Too long, again!

I meant to get in here after each court hearing and update everyone, and I just haven't found time for much of anything with all that's going on around here.

Here's the latest--the driver of the other vehicle is trying hard to weasel his way out of the felony charges, and until today, I thought if he could cough up enough cash, I might think about it. But today, I had an appointment with my surgeon after having a month and a half of pain and misery, and I have bad news.

I have developed avascular necrosis, which basically means that part of my damaged hip joint has died. It's not a huge portion, and it's pretty common after the injury and surgery I had to my hip, but it means I am back to a cane, I'm on pain meds and have 2 new fractures in my hip due to the dead, brittle bone in there now. So now, we wait and see, and within a year we'll know whether or not it heals on its own, or if I need a total hip replacement, which doesn't make me happy at all. The prognosis for my nursing career at this point is not good...so, since I have been served my sentence, I feel it's only fair that the fella who caused this be served his fair sentence as well...and I'm thinking 6 months to a year in prison is a light term compared to what I have to deal with for probably the rest of my life.

Ok, so now I'm finally mad. Now, my beloved career and my livelihood are in jeopardy because of a drunk driver. I am nailing his balls to the wall and not letting up until I feel his sentence is just.