Friday, July 15, 2011

Who Better Than I, To Walk Among the Stars? Really...?

OK, so I've been absent from here long enough to do a little bit of reading and give myself a stern talking-to about being such a simpering wuss.  What I really need to do is grab hold of my proverbial bootstraps and get the hell on with it already.  I'm not going to cry and blubber on here about how much worse it is and how lucky I am and how this and this and that and that- honestly, give every human being a blog on here and read through all of the stories of everyday people living everyday lives and not CRYING ABOUT IT.  There are worse things I could be- I could be cruel and manipulative.  I could be legless and live in a 3rd world country where I am still expected to pull my own weight and earn a living in some shape or form, at which point I'd get a mirror and a set of low-rider wheels and begin a studio of Crotch Shots of the Rich and Famous.  But no- I was born in America, where we glorify our ordinariness, we fight about how unique we are and how everyone should look at me, look at me, I'm an American hit by the "poor me" club right smack in the center of my auto glass-scarred head.  Boo.  Enough.  I have had enough.  The dust has settled.  I'm digging in.  I'm getting some shit done that should've been done a long time ago, and writing things that should've been written years ago- 

So hold onto your ass cuz I am laying it ALL out there.  And I'm not even going to apologize for it. 

Thanks for loving me!!!