I felt so great today. I cleaned house, and did laundry, and straightened the kids' rooms even...usually I make them do that...and I hung out with Carl and Brian at work and went shopping with the kids and Carl, and came home to have supper and watch my American Idol. It was just a NICE day...pain wasn't horrible, I'm happy instead of trying not to be sad all the time...I just felt...GOOD. Gave the kids a bath, organized their things for daycare, gave Natalia her medicine and tucked them all in bed...attempted to help Zack with homework but when you leave your books at school it's hard to make use of them BOY I'M GONNA SMACK HIM UP!!! ugh. Love him to pieces but he is such a hardcore slacker I can hardly stand it sometimes. He must get that from his dad. LOL Nah, I was almost as bad in middle school...and high school even, until I found out I was pregnant with Zack. I don't want him to need the same incentive to get good grades and finish school...somehow I doubt it'd have the same affect on a male...ya think??
PJ told me he had his first kiss today...on the cheek. I told him he's grounded til he's 30. "Mom, WHY 30?" "Because by then you'll be mature enough to THINK about kissing girls."
Such a good day...a perfectly normal, less-than-usual achiness day. I needed that.