Today, I got myself and three kids ready for school and took them to daycare, by myself. Today, I sat in a classroom with my peers for an entire day, and LEARNED. I carried my backpack, full of books, to and from my classes, by myself. I talked and laughed with my classmates, I asked questions of my teachers, and ate up everything they could teach me...
I picked up my kids after my classes, on my own. I put gas in my van, I came home to my husband making supper and had a great meal where we all talked, joked and laughed, as a family. Thank GOD. Thank God that I am well. Thank God I'm here. Thank you God, for my amazing family, and my awesome life. You gave it back to me, and You made it even better than it was before.
This day was the closest thing to normal I have had since before the accident. My hope is renewed again!!!