How am I healing? At about 10 weeks post-accident, here's the latest.
My right arm is still a little tender and weak, but I have full use of it, and my hand. My nose is straight and almost cute! LOL and the scars on my face have really faded. Thank God for good makeup though. Ok, I am still a little vain. There is still some glass in my chin and lip, but it isn't painful so I hesitate to have the doc cut me open to pull it out and give me more stitches. It'll come out sometime. lol The swelling in my face is nearly gone, although the skin is still numb and lately feels like there are spiders running over the top of my head and forehead. We all know how much I like spiders. Icky feeling...but it's good because it means the nerves are regenerating and I'm regaining feeling in those numb areas. My hip is totally healed and I'm walking with just a slight limp. My leg does tire after awhile, but I try hard to ignore that. My left arm is still in the splint, but I am stubborn and take it off to do dishes, shower, and sleep. I kept it on for a month solid and am gradually strengthening left hand is still not ring finger doesn't straighten all the way and I can't make a fist yet. That's what therapy is working on now, and as I thought, it will be the slowest injury to return to normal. I work with that hand a lot each day... My stomach incision is sore this week...probably from being way more active cuz I feel so good...but it's healed well and I think I'm even gaining some weight back. I've been on antibiotics for the last 3 weeks with sinus trouble, which will likely always be the case as my body isn't able to fight infection as it used to without my spleen. Gotta love antibiotics. ugh.
I help Carl make supper each night. I bathe the 3 little ones each night and tuck them into bed. (I have to add that it hurts to do this but I just have to cuz I'm anal about bath/bedtime routines) I help Zack and PJ with their homework, and I clean the house and do does my spirits a lot of good to walk across clean floors everyday!! My baby girl lets me put her to sleep now, before she only wanted daddy. And I drove, by myself, on Clairemont Ave last week. I didn't even shake until after I got out of the car. lol I know I'm getting well enough to be out and about more because I am so bored...the house is so clean it hurts. I've reorganized almost all of the cupboards and next, back to work? No one's given me a return date yet, but you bet I'll be asking at my next appointment. I only have to get the ok from about 4 different docs. Carl looks so nervous each time I mention going back to work. I know I'm at least a few weeks away but it gives me something to look forward to. I imagine the docs d on't want me lifting much since they had a fit when I said it hurt my arm to lift the baby... And I know I couldn't handle a 12-hour day like I used to, not yet. A few weeks ago, I'd have one or two 'good' days and then I'd be exhausted. Now I have about 4 good days in a row and then the 5th day I take a 2-hour that's better! Even God needed a rest on the 7th day, man.
All in all, I'm doing well. More doc appointments next week to chart my progress, and then we'll have a better idea of how I'm doing.