Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Happy Return to School!!

I had my "first" day of school on Monday. It felt so good, walking through those doors, rolling my backpack and I EVEN TOOK THE STAIRS! I was slow, but dammit I did it. I wish I had the same girls in my classes, they were so great...but I did see three of them, and that was awesome. I have to stay in touch with those girls, they are good people.
I don't have to go back to class until March 6 for 2 hours each monday, and starting March 20th I'll be in class Mondays and Tuesdays until May...and hopefully I'll get into my clinical rotation this summer and get back on track in the fall semester. I'm pissed that my GPA is going to go down to squat after all of this is said and done...I was on the president's list every semester until now. I know it's just a little thing, but dammit there are so many "little things" that have changed.