Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Court Hearing

He goes to court today. He already plead not guilty...ha! that makes me laugh somehow. Carl and his brother are going to the hearing...I just didn't think I could...it's still way too fresh for me to face him, I know I'd just cry the whole time...and then they might think Deb is right and I AM suffering effects from the TBI. lmao

So, let's pray that his sentence is just and right, and that he realizes the extent of what he has done, and I pray for his family that they cease their enabling behaviors and he faces this on his own. I pray that he changes his ways, that he receives the help he needs and maybe even decides to help people like him to get better, or at least opens his eyes and his heart to become the person God meant for him to be.

UPDATE: Just got the call from Carl and his brother who went to the hearing today. The guy didn't show up, but his lawyer did (as did mine) and they did decide to up his charges to a felony, which means he will not be spending time in jail, but in prison. I guess once the D.A. heard of the extent of my injuries, there was no question that he would be charged criminally. Sucks to be him. I do feel badly for him because he is so young, and I know he didn't intentionally cause me harm...but he made a conscious decision to get behind the wheel after getting drunk. I have my own sentence now, and mine will be longer than his...I'll never be the same again, and when he walks out of prison at the end of his sentence, he'll do it on 2 legs that haven't known the pain that mine do every day, and the frustration of severe physical limitations. He's so lucky he didn't cause me permanent spinal cord damage or worse...I don't think I'd be able to restrain Carl from doing him serious harm if he had!