Tuesday, January 17, 2006

More Angels

Time for a really uplifting post. Before this accident, Carl and I were so busy with kids, work and school that we didn't make time for our friends, we didn't do things outside of home unless it was with the kids, and we just really kept to ourselves. Carl and I are so much alike in the fact that we have had very little faith in human nature, and since we found total faith and great company in each other, we have just nurtured our relationship and the family. I have said so many times, "I don't like people. I love taking care of sick people because they are appreciative, and I feel good knowing I am making a difference for them...but I don't like the general public because they are horrible to each other and I want no part of it." This accident has really proven me wrong. I cannot believe the number of people who have reached out to us. My coworkers made our Christmas wonderful, Mom's coworkers made our Christmas wonderful...and our family has been SO unbelievably supportive, I just bubble over with love for all of them for being so good to us during this time. You have all renewed my faith in human nature, and proven to me that goodhearted people are everywhere. I am sooo looking forward to being healed and able to repay all of the wonderful people who have helped us in so many ways. You are all my angels and I am so grateful for you all.