Monday, January 16, 2006


Ok so this one made me almost mad enough to really spew some nasty comments. LOL I got two letters from college last week; one that says I'm losing my financial aid because I failed to complete 67% of my required credits. No kidding? huh. Wonder where I was? Tahiti? LOL So I call financial aid, schedule a review hearing. The next day, I get a letter from the business office saying I'm being dropped from my spring semester classes because I haven't paid for them yet. LOL not funny I get ready for my review hearing and bring the letter from the business office with me so I can take care of both issues and make sure everythng is squared away. My F.A. advisor and I work out a plan that will allow me to retain my financial aid and still stick to the plan my instructors and I had come up with to graduate only one semester behind. Then she realizes, OH, by that time you'll have attempted more than the max number of credits. I can't give you your financial aid. I'm bawling. I can't afford to pay for nursing school all on my own...wish I could, but I can't. So I'm thinking, I am being prevented from working in my chosen career because of a drunk driver. How unfair is that? And I'm bawling...and I bewildered the F.A. advisor, so I told her why I was so upset...she goes running to the admissions director and comes back with an app for the RN program, which is the 2nd half of the program for me...she tells me to fill it out, we're getting you into the advanced placement program now and that way your credit load doubles and you qualify for financial aid again. Also, I get into the 2nd half of my program a year sooner than I had originally thought. YEAH!! God is good! So, an upsetting moment turned out to be even better than I imagined it would. Another thing to count as a blessing...