Tuesday, January 17, 2006

More Crap

For the last 3 days, my Carl has been having anxiety attacks. He used to have them a long time ago, before we were married, and now they're back. Since we've been together I don't remember him ever having one. I know it's because he's juggling so much right now...the kids' daycare schedule, work pressures, doing for the kids what I still can't here at home...I wish he'd listen to me and just get some medication to help him get through this. As well as we're all doing, this is friggen HARD. I mean, harder than almost anything I've ever been through in my life. It's frustrating to see Carl try so hard and now to feel like he can't even breathe, and just sitting still and trying to draw a deep breath is difficult. I feel sorry for him...I hope they get better, if not I'll have to tie hm up and forcefeed him benedryl just to make him calm down. He was doing so much better too...

Gabe and Kianna were playing last night, and Kianna's lying on the floor with her eyes closed, and she's whispering to Gabe, "come here husband. I was in a car crash. my arms and my hip are broken, and I have owies on my face. I can't talk good cuz I had a tube in my throat. Bring me my baby, I miss her so much." At which point Gabe hands her a carebear and she hugs it tight and closes her eyes. And Gabe says, "we're playing pretend, and Kianna was hit by a drunk driver." what a game for kids to play, eh? So they played it out for like 15 minutes while Carl and I watched with teary eyes. It's interesting to see it from their perspective. I know it's healthy for them to act out their feelings, and so I was relieved to see them do that. When they were done, we talked a bit about the accident...how textbook, eh? It was awesome.